Wednesday, May 26, 2010


Meh - What does this mean? I honestly don't know, and I think that is the answer.

I think that the word "Meh" itself means nothing. I believe the meaning behind it comes from the way you say the word.
If I say "Meh," that could be me saying "ME." for example, "She stole meh quarter" and "You talkin' to meh?" It is another way to ad some personality to your typing. I think that you need to use your skills with Context Clues in order to understand.

In most cases, in my experience, the word "Meh" mostly has to do with boredom, or the person or people that you ask don't feel like talking,. So when I ask somebody online, Or in person, and ask "Hey, how are you?"
Their response, "Meh" Usually i would ask them "What is wrong?" and go on from there. I use the word "Meh" On occasion, and when i say it, it usually means I am at a loss for words. If i am having a weird day and I am just in a weird mood, i would say it was a "Meh" day.

Well, what i am trying to get at is; If you are confused by the word Meh, That is because it is a weird word with many different random meanings

I found this picture.. Made me laugh.

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