Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Manifest Infinity

I bought this book from borders a while ago. I started reading it and i got into it, but i got distracted one day and never found it again, but then I looked under my bed and I found it. So i was pretty happy about that. The book is called "A History of Western Philosophy."
At Hersey, my sophomore year, I had a teacher that always talked about Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, and "How do we know what we know?" His name was Mr. Hammerl. Mr Hammerl always spent 40 minutes just talking to us about random stuff, to exercise our brains and to think outside of the box. Everything he said always made me think and i always got drawn in. I always looked forward to that class everyday, and luckily, It was the last class of the day.
I will always remember that class, because that was the only class that I remember being really really interested in.


Meh - What does this mean? I honestly don't know, and I think that is the answer.

I think that the word "Meh" itself means nothing. I believe the meaning behind it comes from the way you say the word.
If I say "Meh," that could be me saying "ME." for example, "She stole meh quarter" and "You talkin' to meh?" It is another way to ad some personality to your typing. I think that you need to use your skills with Context Clues in order to understand.

In most cases, in my experience, the word "Meh" mostly has to do with boredom, or the person or people that you ask don't feel like talking,. So when I ask somebody online, Or in person, and ask "Hey, how are you?"
Their response, "Meh" Usually i would ask them "What is wrong?" and go on from there. I use the word "Meh" On occasion, and when i say it, it usually means I am at a loss for words. If i am having a weird day and I am just in a weird mood, i would say it was a "Meh" day.

Well, what i am trying to get at is; If you are confused by the word Meh, That is because it is a weird word with many different random meanings

I found this picture.. Made me laugh.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Them Crooked Vultures

Okay. So I am a big fan of Nirvana and Foo Fighters, and i heard about this new project that Dave Ghrol (Drummer of Nirvana Lead guitar and vocals for Foo Fighters) has been working on with John Paul Jones (Bassist of Led Zeppelin). It is called Them Crooked Vultures.

The have a very original sound that doesn't sound like anything that I have ever heard before. Dave Ghrol is playing drums for them, and that would be the first time that he would play drums on a record since Nirvana, so I think that's a pretty big deal. I don't remember who the other two in this band project were, but the band as a whole sounds very good.

The only question I have is what will happen with Foo Fighters? I love that band. Dave Ghrol's voice is awesome with the band and I don't think he should give up a band that he started from the ground up. I totally support Dave Ghrol and his decisions with music; because if he wasn't smart, he wouldn't have been a part of not one, but TWO great bands that have made a footprint in the rock world. Nirvana and Foo Fighters. Maybe Them Crooked Vultures will be added to that list soon as well!!

Much Love, More Syrup,
Mr. Waffles

You're Famous!

Okay, so i got to school today, and somebody told me that i was on the American idol website. they showed the picture of me and Lee DeWyze, and i thought it was pretty cool, but then they told me that it was on the American Idol Website. I thought that was pretty awesome!

I tried saving the picture, but it wouldn't save because you can't save a picture off the American Idol Website due to copyright and such. But then I remembered that you can take a screenshot on Mac Computers. so i pressed "Shift", "Apple" and "4" and highlighted the picture. It saved to my desktop and I was a happy camper.

The picture is attached to this blog post.

Advise for Pet Owners...

... I don't have a pet, so i don't think i can help you too much.
So... I don't have advise.
Ok, bye.
Love and Syrup,
Mr. Waffles

Thursday, May 20, 2010

I can't think of a favorite band

Okay, so for this assignment, i have to think of a favorite band. If any of my teachers know me, I can't think of just one. So i am just going to pick the one i fell in love with at an early age...

So, ever since i was young (About 4) I always loved Van Halen. I heard the song called "Dreams" from the Sammy Hagar era, and i thought that the solo at the end of the song was amazing. Ever since then, i thought they were amazing.

I bought my first Van Halen CD when i was about 8, and it was a "best of" album. I listened to the whole Compilation (2 disks) Every night before i fell asleep. I thought their music was so original. My top favorite songs by them would have to be Dreams, Summer Nights, Love Walks In, Why can't this be Love, Hot For Teacher, Drop Dead Legs, And all of Van Halen II (2nd studio album)

I loved the way Eddie Van Halen Played guitar. I thought it was so original and raw. He had so much talent. I would say that he still does, but he hasn't been working with Van Halen for the past few years. He has been releasing his signature guitar gear and shoes (yes, shoes.) I heard on VH1 about a year or so ago that Van Halen was working on a new studio album with David Lee Roth (The original Van Halen singer.) It would be the first album released by the original Van Halen since 1984. But, along with everything that they say Van Halen will do, Thats all up in the air...

Much Love, More Syrup,
Mr. Waffles


Whose ready for summer!?
I know I am. I hope to make this summer the best summer yet, since it will probably be the last summer i will have before i finally get a job. 
I'm very glad that summer is finally almost here because I get depressed during the winter, not to badly, but enough to get pissed. Now that the better weather is coming, i smell more bonfires in my neighborhood, and my mom opens up all the windows in the house and let the yard fill with the sweet songs of our summer playlists on iTunes. Just sitting outside with some friends with music is enough to make my summer great. 

This summer, i hope to go Downtown Chicago a lot more because i haven't gone to the beach for about 3 years. I think it's time to go to the beach this summer!

Then when the sun goes down, i hang with my friends wherever we feel like. That is Definitely the way summer is supposed to be. 

I always look forward to summer, and no, not just because you don't have school, but because the weather is perfect for me.
I can't wait for those hot summer nights!
Much love, More Syrup,
Mr. Waffles

Childhood Hero!!!

When i was younger, i didn't really have a childhood hero, but Batman and Spiderman were pretty influential on me.

The way that spiderman can swing from skyscrapers and climb up buildings, i mean come on! That's amazing! (Hence, the amazing spiderman)
I think it's awesome how batman makes his own gadgets, and he has a butler. I remember i called my Dad "Alfred" for a while just because Bruce Wayne had a butler named Alfred. That's Classy, my friends.

I respect batman and superman because they don't kill the enemies; even though, the enemies will ultimately destroy themselves (in most of the movies) if they are not sent to jail. 

Even though i looked up to the "Super Heroes," i did like a select number of villains, such as the Joker (from batman) and the Green Goblin (Spiderman). In fact, i think that those are the only villains i like out of all the super hero movies. They both seem psychotic, happy, and overall; Creepy.

Well, i think I'm going to go watch spiderman and batman when i get home later!

Much love, More Syrup,
Mr. Waffles  


Today, we watched a video in class about Chipotle and how they raise the animals that they make into food. They are definitely not like any other "Fast Food" restaurant who use medicine to make the animals bigger. 

Chipotle lets their animals live in the woods and are on a strict vegetarian diet. In other fast food restaurants, the animals are kept in horrible conditions, and they barely have any room to move. At Chipotle farms, the pigs are actually outside, in the fresh air, and they are happy.

I completely support Chipotle and everything that they do.

Much love, More Syrup,
Mr. Waffles  

American idol

Okay, so. Lee DeWyze is from this area, and he is in the top 2 for american idol.
It's pretty exiting, because before idol, he was a nobody who liked to play music, who worked at a paint shop. but now, his life has been set up for him, and he has nothing to worry about.

I think it would be pretty cool if he won. Even the judges are leaning towards him winning. 

This was the first season i have watched of american idol. I started watching it because my girlfriend made me. When i saw that a person was from Mt. Prospect (Lee DeWyze), I was like, "Hey, he's from around here." and he ended up being really really good! So i think that it was a good season to start watching American Idol.

I won't watch it next season though. Simon Cowell said that this would be the last season that he would be a judge on the show.

-Much Love, and More Syrup, 
Mr. Waffles

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

This is Kind of Awkward...

So i was on this Health news website, and i came across an interesting article.
Apparently, according to HealthDay news, The erectile dysfunction Drug Viagra, and other similar drugs may cause long-term hearing loss.
I don't really know why that title stuck out to me, but i thought it was pretty interesting. 
It states in the article, that in 2007, the FDA began to label warning signs on the package for Viagra and other similar products.

Here is the article if you would like to check it out!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Google Searches

Okay, so I was on google today, and I just started typing random pieces of sentences (What is the...; Why would someone..: etc). I don't know about you, but i can't help but laugh at some of the ones that I found.

The first sentence fragment i typed was "Why Do" and the first search on the drop-down menu was "Why do dogs eat poop?" Now, me, I laughed at that because i have a twisted and immature sense of humor. So if you have that kind of sense of humor, you can join me in a nice chuckle; if you don't have that sense of humor, well, i pity you, fool

Chuck Norris Jokes?

Why are they funny?
Apparently, it all started a few years back when Conan O'brien  play spoofs of Chuck Norris on TV, and from that, it expanded fast.
There are various websites that have hundreds of jokes and merchandise that you can buy. All thanks to Conan O'brien.

Personally, Chuck Norris jokes are funny too me, but i really don't know why. I guess that shortens this blog down quite a bit. 
"Behind every successful man, there is a woman. Behind every dead man, there is Chuck Norris"
Why? Why is this funny? Why is he behind EVERY dead man?
That, my good friends, is why it is funny.
Thank you very much.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Ten Thaaaangs

In class today, we were supposed to write a list of ten things that we want to learn. so far i only have five things that i know i want to learn for sure. 

1. I would like to know more about Les Paul, a famous guitar builder for Gibson Guitars back in the mid 1900's. He created the Gibson Les Paul. One of my many music-related passions include Guitar Building, and that's what Les Paul did.

2. I would like to know more about music composition and recording. I like to record music and try to make it sound better.

3. I would like to learn and understand more about the music business so i know the best way to promote myself with music. Eventually, i would like to open up my own record company and studio.

4. I would like to know more about chicago sports teams so i have more to talk about with my friends. 

5. I would like to know more about Guitar building so i can know the difference between the wood that they use and which pickups work with what kind of sound you want. It would be awesome to build my own guitar.

I will post another blog with my next 5 things that i would like to learn.