Thursday, July 8, 2010

Meaning of life, shattered.

The question that will be asked until the end of time; What is the meaning of life?
Well, in my personal experience of living in this world and society, I strongly believe that the meaning of life is to find your own meaning. Now, what would happen if you have your meaning, or a dream etc, and it gets shattered by an event or time of your life, what then?

It's a difficult thing to talk about because nobody wants to talk about there dreams being shattered or crushed. It's not in our nature to talk about that. But lets say you want to be the best guitarist in the world, and you are getting there, you play a few shows around your area and people love you. Your dream is slowly coming true. Then you get a bad car accident and you get major nerve damage in your hand, you can no longer play guitar, at least as good as your used too. All hopes and dreams of becoming a great guitarist are lost. How do you deal with it?

Some people would say you should dream more than one dream, a lot of people may disagree because everybody has a dream that they know that they want to do, they don't want anybody to tell them not too. In my opinion, i think you choose a dream as a category, such as fashion, something with cars, something with music. That way, you have your dream to be a part of something, because there are so many contributions to every lifestyle. Every fashion designer needs a tailor, every car manufacturer needs people to sell their products, and every great band needs a manager/record producer/etc.

I believe that if you have a dream, for one, set a reachable goal; there will ALWAYS be a better guitarist than everybody else one way or another. Second, you should always keep your eyes open. If you keep a goal set on just one dream, something even greater would pass you by and you wouldn't know it.

Keep your eyes open, and believe.

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