Wednesday, June 30, 2010

A little Piece of Heaven

Being a musician, I can't help but think about the necessities that every musician and music performer should do when it comes down to Putting on a concert. Think about a concert that you have been to in your life, whether it was last night, last year, or ten years ago. What was the best part about the concert? The music? The lights? The people? Or was it the fact that the band put on a great show?

As a person who plays music and enjoys going to concerts, I love when the musicians putting on the concert know how to move the crowd and get them going. Getting the crowd involved on way or another. For example, I went to see the Band Avenged Sevenfold a few years ago, and during the concert, the lead singer said "Wow, I'm pretty tired, who wants to come up and sing the next song?" The crowd went wild. They got the crowd involved and they picked a random person from the crows to sing the next song. In my opinion, i think that is a great way to put on a show. If they played a concert when they just play the songs, what's the point? I can just sit in my room and listen to the Album.

That is the way to put on an awesome show; Get the crowd INVOLVED!

When I put on concerts, no matter how many people are there, I will always get the crowd involved.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Random Post

Higher Ground By the Chili Peppers is a pretty awesome song if you ask me. I respect a lot of music for a lot of different reasons. One of the reasons I love this music video is because it's random and colorful; I think that is an important aspect to a great music video, because it should grab your attention, one way or another, because if you have a dull music video even if the music is good, it's just better when there is a lot of color.

Higher Ground is an amazing song from the beginning with the roaring bass, the group vocal at the chorus, and the awesome guitar.
I suggest this song to anybody who loves jumping around and having fun.
Pretty Awesome.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Power Of Music (The Curse)

Pearl Jam - Alive.

I was thinking about the power of sound and music, and i thought of this song.
Pearl Jam's, Alive was an anthem for every kid who wanted to rebel and stick it to the haters along with the rest of pearl Jam's Debut album called "Ten." I agree completely.

I was watching Vh1 Storytellers on Pearl jam a few years days ago and Eddie Vedder was telling the story about the song "Alive." He remembered this story as "The Curse." Because he wrote the song about the time where he realized that the man that he thought was his father, wasn't his dad, and his real dad died years ago. The reason he considered the song a "Curse" was because he had to learn to accept the fact that his father is dead, and he is still ALIVE.. I can't even imagine how confused i would be.

After the album was released, alive was an overnight hit; with the ever-so popular chorus "I'm still alive," Eddie Vedder wrote that chorus as a curse; as a way of dealing with the unfortunate truths that he discovered not so many years before. Vedder recalls as the audience grew over the years, and seeing everybody respond to the chorus as a celebration, it lifted the curse for him.. And he is now peace of mind with those demons that haunted him for so many years.

That is why i think music is as powerful as an ocean. The wave is your voice, if it hits you just right, it can make you cry. When water seeps into rock, it can make it crumble, If you write a song on guitar with passion and emotion, they can seep under your skin and make you crumble as well. As you can tell from the length of this post, i am very passionate about the music i write and listen too.

Anyways, let me know what you think about this post, if you agree, disagree, or just want to talk about this topic some more.


I love playing guitar. Out of all the things that I have seen in my short time her on earth, Guitar is the only thing that has not betrayed me, or anything. I love Making music, I don't do it to pass the time, i do it because i love it and i feel it is a great way to get out stress. That is the reason i love to go play concerts because we can feed off eachothers energy and the crowd.

Chloe don't no better.

So i was on youtube the other night and i was listening to Pearl Jam. It was a pretty good night.
Before Pearl Jam got together, the drummer and 2 guitarists were in another band by the name of Mother Love Bone.
They broke up because the lead singer, Andy Wood, died of a heroin overdose the night before their major label debut.
Anyway, I was listening to pearl jam, and in the related video's section, they had a song by the name of "Chloe Dance/Crown of Thorns" I thought the name sounded odd, so i clicked on it.

The song was about 8 minutes, but since the song is cut in half, the beginning (Chloe Dancer) is a 2 minute piano piece with Andy singing about a girl. I thought that those 2 minutes were the most heart felt 2 minutes that have been recorded (in my opinion of course.)

Here is the link -----

Please take a look at the song; at least the first few minutes


Right now, it's late June, and it still doesn't feel like summer. haha.
I think once july gets here it will be better because of the carnivals and the fourth of July.
I hope that this summer will be good. I get to see my friends perform at battle of the bands, so that will be fun.
Hopefully next year my band will be at battle of the bands. That would be pretty Bee- Aye.
The band and i are actually writing a demo to record and the recordings should be done sometime in August. I am going to be distributing the CD sometime around then at school and other places as well. I'm going to be making about 200 CDs with the songs on them. about 5 of our best songs that we are proud of and a few covers by our favorite bands.
That another thing i will be doing in July, recording the Demo and writing more material. I'm Probably going to make a new Youtube account for the band and put up videos of recording, practicing and other crazy stuff.
I'll post more information about it in a later post.
Happy Summer.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010


Okay. So i saw a movie the other day, and I was pretty impressed. It was happy, sad, intense, and amazing.
The movie: TOY STORY 3.
Iv'e been waiting eleven years to see another toy story movie. I didn't like the second one too much, but the third one, was intense. I don't want to give anything away, but i pretty much cried after the movie. The fact that andy is going to college just gets me, like, really. Is that sad? An animated movie gets me worked up? Haha. Well, i don't care. Pixar movies are the best animated movies ever.

I wanted this to be a longer post, and it's pretty disappointing that this is the best i can do.

Monday, June 21, 2010


Okay, so I think i officially found the funniest prank caller ever!
Watch this video, and i assure you, you Will PIT YOUR SHANTS!
Thank you :]